My name is Gabrielle Harkins. Certified Financial Planner. I created this site with the intention of helping women of color elevate financially by healing self esteem and self worth. I have been working in wealth management for 7 years. In that time I have asked myself on many occasions why is this not taught sooner in life. It dawned on me that many people who are considered in the mentioned groups were not given wealth planning lessons from previous generations.

Since in many professional settings I have been one of few minorities on a team, I have made it my goal to be heard and promote myself instead of waiting for the validation of corporate. My commitment to becoming an expert in financial wellness came from my own achievements and pitfalls of learning how to manage my own money. Realizing that in the process there is healing that needs to be done to receive more each time, my approach to financial wellness is holistic and spiritually driven. Learning how to make the most of what I have allowed me the confidence to believe I can add value in others’ lives with my knowledge.

I want to be able to help others avoid some of those financial mine fields and be able to make decisions with confidence from the wisdom that I cultivated professionally and personally. I structure my financial plans around biblical principals that speaks on wealth building.

I am a college graduate from Arizona State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies. I am a licensed notary public. Currently, I am enrolled at the University of Alabama for Family Financial Planning and Counseling. Last but not least, I am a mother to the most loving little boy in the world.